This dental specialty is often associated with root canal therapy; however, Dr. Yacaman is a root canal dentist. Endodontics refers to diagnostics and treatments related to the inside of the teeth (“endo” refers to “inside” and “odont” to “tooth”). As such, Dr. Yacaman is extensively trained in pinpointing and resolving often severe conditions that threaten the health and structure of the teeth. These techniques include both non-surgical root canal therapy and surgical treatments.
Endodontists are often the last resort to preserve infected teeth. Root canal therapy may be sufficient to restore the natural tooth to its healthy state. Think of it as a “deep cleaning” for the inside of the affected tooth. The inside of the tooth is accessed. Then, the irreparably damaged tissue is removed. Once the root canals have been cleaned and reshaped, a filling material is applied to “seal off” the tooth. Lastly, our prosthodontist, Dr. Frank Vidjak, will place a lovely dental restoration or crown to prevent the tooth from being reinfected. Immediate placement of the crown also supports the tooth’s long-term health by protecting it from threats such as harmful bacteria, which promote the development of plaque and tooth decay.
Dr. Yacaman is also sought after for root canal retreatment. Using advanced technologies and her significant skill and training, Dr. Yacaman may identify narrow canals or other anatomical complexities that other dental practitioners overlooked during the initial treatment. A tooth may also need to be retreated if a crown was not placed to protect the tooth promptly or if the patient was challenged to maintain good oral hygiene. Both situations can lead to the tooth becoming reinfected.
Endodontic specialists are also equipped to offer endodontic surgery. One of the most common surgical procedures is root-end resection or apicoectomy. This process involves removing the ends of the affected roots to resolve persistent inflammation or infections in the bony areas at the ends of the teeth. The areas are then sealed off and closed to promote healthy healing and bone regeneration at the treatment sites.
Dr. Yacaman has developed considerable expertise in endodontic microscopy. This approach supports the precision treatment that leads to optimal outcomes. No detail is left unturned in her use of microscopes that reveal minute complexities and threats to the teeth, for instance, calcified and extra canals.
Notably, she has also developed subspecialty expertise in root resorption. Even the most complex cases can be effectively and comfortably treated with Dr. Yacaman’s highly-specialized approach and use of technologies that can’t be found at other practices, near and far.
Preserve your teeth – don’t extract them! Call Beverly Hills Advanced Specialties of Dentistry today at (310) 861-3955 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Yacaman.