Beverly Hills Advanced Specialties of Dentistry is well-equipped to resolve OSA in a non-invasive, comfortable, and effective manner for our patients throughout Southern California. Our specialist, Dr. Frank Vidjak appreciates that restorative care transcends the teeth.
In the shorter term, OSA can negatively affect your well-being, quality of life, and job or school performance. In fact, telltale signs of OSA include persistent fatigue. Even though you may be in bed for a full eight hours, you still never seem to feel well-rested. Due to a lack of quality sleep, patients with OSA may be irritable, have mood swings, feel depressed or anxious, and suffer from frequent and severe headaches. They may no longer be able to concentrate well, have problems remembering things, and experience other cognitive issues. These and other problems can lead to poor academic and work performance, and chronic fatigue increases the risk of workplace injuries as well as road accidents.
Over the longer term, OSA is associated with an increased risk of many severe, systemic medical conditions. The cessation of breathing and the lack of proper oxygenation greatly strain bodily organs and systems. Patients with untreated OSA are at greater risk than their healthy counterparts of developing severe comorbidities, ranging from diabetes to cardiovascular disease and stroke.
OSA is not something you want to “sleep on.” With a proper diagnosis in hand, our specialists work with you to develop an effective treatment plan. Treatment at our office may include oral appliance therapy. There are many oral appliances to choose from, including the Thorton Adjustable Positioner®. These devices look similar to aligner trays or retainers. They are custom-fitted to your mouth and simply slip over the teeth. When worn as directed during sleep, they reposition the jaws and other tissues. With these tissues adjusted and out of the way, they can no longer block the airway. You can breathe uninterrupted and safely throughout the night.
Unlike cumbersome and noisy CPAP therapy or invasive surgical interventions, oral appliance therapy is comfortable, easy to wear and clean, portable and convenient, safe and non-invasive, and overall has a high rate of patient compliance.
Call (310) 878-6455 (Dr. Vidjak) with questions or to schedule an appointment.