Obstructive sleep apnea is a type of “sleep-disordered breathing.” This particular condition is characterized by a cessation of breathing during sleep. These pauses in breathing generally occur due to airway blockages. The airway may become blocked as the tissues in the throat relax during sleep. Often, patients will unknowingly reawaken several times each night. Their body forces them to wake up due to the lack of oxygen. This scary condition is also associated with a range of distressing side effects and potentially serious complications. Patients with untreated apnea never seem to feel rested. They are chronically fatigued. Due to persistent fatigue, these individuals are at elevated risk of having workplace and road accidents. Productivity on the job and at school can suffer. There may be issues with moods and irritability. Cognition and memory also suffer.
Untreated OSA also increases the risk of systemic illnesses and diseases, ranging from diabetes to stroke. The condition takes a toll on the body’s tissues and organs, no less due to the chronic lack of proper oxygenation during sleep. Fortunately, due to our specialists’ extensive expertise in maxillofacial anatomy and function, our center is well-equipped to provide a treatment that works well and works fast.
CPAP therapy is an effective treatment; however, it has a low compliance rate. Patients must wear a face mask that delivers continuous pressure (to keep the airway open). The mask can be cumbersome, and the machine that it is connected to is generally bulky, noisy, and requires some maintenance. Transporting it can also be challenging, especially when traveling for business or leisure.
Oral appliance therapy also works but actually “gets used.” It has a high compliance rate because the treatment simply involves wearing a customized appliance to bed. The device slips into the mouth. It alters the position of the jaw. When this repositioning occurs, the tissues that block the airway are also repositioned. They can no longer obstruct your breathing during sleep. You rest soundly and continuously through the night! Plus, they can be cleaned easily like any other oral appliance (such as retainers or aligners). Lastly, they are highly portable! A storage case can even fit in your pocket.
There are quite literally hundreds of oral appliance designs for dental specialists like Drs Vidjak and Yacaman to choose from when resolving your symptoms in the short term and minimizing the risk of serious health consequences in the long term. Call (310) 861-3955 today with questions, to schedule a consultation, and to find out more about your options for sleep apnea treatment at Beverly Hills Advanced Specialties of Dentistry in Beverly Hills, CA.