Our prosthodontist at Beverly Hills Advanced Specialties of Dentistry, Dr. Frank Vidjak, has extensive training and experience with designing and placing crowns and other dental restorations.
Dr. Vidjak can rebuild a portion of a tooth. So, the crown blends in seamlessly with the rest of the tooth structure and its unaltered, natural neighboring teeth. Crowns may also be used to rebuild an entire tooth as part of a dental bridge. Adjacent “anchor” teeth are crowned to support the replacement tooth (or “pontic”). Crowns are also connected to dental implants, which are positioned precisely and secured in the jawbone. The crown is connected to the implant. In turn, the implant functions like a tooth root to stabilize the crown.
All procedures start with a comprehensive examination at our specialty center. Dr. Vidjak will determine if you are a good candidate for the crown, or for another procedure. More conservative options to restore a badly broken, very worn, deeply decayed, or otherwise damaged tooth include:
Again, the nonsurgical root canal therapy (RCT) followed by a crown may be the only way to preserve a tooth with damage to its innermost pulp tissues. Otherwise, if the tooth is not a suitable candidate for RCT or surgical endodontic procedures, it would be extracted and replaced with a dental bridge or by using a dental implant.
The process of designing and placing a crown is straightforward; the damaged or diseased tissue is removed. The natural crown is then reduced and shaped. So, the crown fits on top of the tooth perfectly. Digital scans or impressions of the prepared treatment site are made, which are then used to skillfully fabricate the dental crown on site. A temporary restoration is placed to protect the prepared tooth. Once the crown is ready, Dr. Vidjak removes the temporary. He checks that the permanent crown fits, looks, and feels great before securing it to the tooth.
Any time the tooth is altered, precision anesthetic is administered. You won’t feel any discomfort during treatment. We can also discuss sedative options for utmost relaxation. Additionally, Dr. Vidjak will speak with you about options for materials to make the crown. Dental materials range from porcelain to metals like gold, or a combination of both ceramics and metals (Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal).
Call us at (310) 861-3955 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Vidjak or, for your convenience, request an appointment online.